️ EU’s Neo-Orwellian Crackdown on Social Media - Pepe Escobar
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️ EU’s Neo-Orwellian Crackdown on Social Media - Pepe Escobar
Pavel Durov’s arrest and the Digital Services Act are meant to suffocate independent social media in Europe. EU bureaucrats cannot innovate, so they instead regulate, @rocknrollgeopolitics told the #NewRulesPodcast
Want to learn more? Check out the full interview on X here.
Source: Geopolitics Live
Pavel Durov’s arrest and the Digital Services Act are meant to suffocate independent social media in Europe. EU bureaucrats cannot innovate, so they instead regulate, @rocknrollgeopolitics told the #NewRulesPodcast
Want to learn more? Check out the full interview on X here.
Source: Geopolitics Live
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