Pro-Palestine protests held worldwide
5 783 просмотров
Pro-Palestine protests held worldwide
Video one shows a demonstration against alleged Israeli genocide taking place in Amman, Jordan.
The second clip is of a new double-decker bus in Malaysia adorned with the Palestinian flag and the caption “You Just Need To Be Human To Understand.”
Video three is of protesters rallying in support of Lebanon following recent Israeli strikes there - pro-Palestine messages can also be seen in the crowd.
And finally, the photos show recent demonstrations in the EU capital, Brussels.
#Palestine - Boost
Source: RT News
Video one shows a demonstration against alleged Israeli genocide taking place in Amman, Jordan.
The second clip is of a new double-decker bus in Malaysia adorned with the Palestinian flag and the caption “You Just Need To Be Human To Understand.”
Video three is of protesters rallying in support of Lebanon following recent Israeli strikes there - pro-Palestine messages can also be seen in the crowd.
And finally, the photos show recent demonstrations in the EU capital, Brussels.
#Palestine - Boost
Source: RT News
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