Steel Bicycle Frames and a Famous Italian Road Cyclist: “The Man of Steel” - (Ep. 9)


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What are a legendary Italian cyclist’s secrets for building custom steel bicycle frames?

In the 9-episode video series “The Man of Steel”, the former Giro and Vuelta winner Giovanni Battaglin unveils the process he and his craftsmen use for building a cyclist’s dream bike while giving unique insights into his career as a pro racer.

In episode no. 9, Giovanni talks about a special Tour de France award and explains how he managed to win it:

“In the Tour de France, there wasn’t just the Yellow Jersey, there were many other awards.

One of them was an Elegance Award and I’ve won it several times.

I’ve always liked being orderly and precise at the start of the races in which I took part.

For instance, I used to take great care of my shoes, which I always matched with white socks.

Back in those days, the shoes used to be in leather and so they were difficult to handle, especially if they happened to get wet during a race.

If you dried them with direct heat you could cause even more damage, so I had found another solution.

As soon as I got back to the hotel I would take some newspaper and use it to stuff my shoes entirely.

The paper would absorb all the water in the leather and the next morning the shoes would be completely dry and ready to be polished.

This way my shoes were always perfect.

I didn’t do all this to win the award, it just was part of my personality.”

It shouldn’t come as a surprise the fact that the attention to detail play a huge part in the production of Giovanni’s eponymous frames:

“I then translated this meticulousness and attention to detail into my business.

The workshop needed to be appropriate and organized at any time.

Also, the frames had to be produced with precision and great care for the aesthetics as well.

This is a trait that has marked my entire life and everything I have ever done.”

Finally, you’ll be able to take a closer look at one of the most fascinating steps of the frame building process: brazing.

If you want to see how Officina Battaglin’s master frame builder creates a steel bike frame from Columbus tubes and cast lugs, watch the video until the very last clip…

And enjoy the true Italian craftsmanship.


Officina Battaglin is the steel bicycle brand founded by the 1981 Giro-Vuelta double winner Giovanni Battaglin and his son Alex.

With its collection of custom steel frames and bikes handbuilt in Italy, Officina Battaglin is the only bicycle brand managed in person by a Grand-Tour winner.

Each steel frame is made to order and designed to the owner’s specifications by Giovanni Battaglin himself, to deliver the most comfortable and pleasant riding experience.

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