Viennese Waltz = Konstantin Savchenkov & Maria Guryeva = Moscow Championship 2024 Under 19 Ballroom


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Konstantin Savchenkov & Maria Guryeva perform Viennese Waltz in the 2Round Of The Moscow Championship 2024 Youth Under 19 Ballroom

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January 28, 2024, Moscow

1. Nikita Kulpin & Sofia Surnakova /160
2. Konstantin Savchenkov & Maria Guryeva /276
3. Arkhipp Zhelezniakov & Sofia Monia /101
4. Konstantin Romanov & Arina Guzenko /270
5. Marat Akautdinov & Evgeniya Filimonova /16
6. Nikita Shestopalov & Alexandra Korikova /337
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Viennese Waltz = Konstantin Savchenkov & Maria Guryeva = Moscow Championship 2024 Under 19 Ballroom - смотреть видео онлайн " />