JoLang Reaction to the Anthem of the Russian Federation. The whole country is singing!


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Hello, JoLang is here again, and today I want to introduce you to the Anthem of the Russian Federation sung by people from 30 cities of Russia.
If you want to produce a song, in which all talented people from cities and regions of Russia, would take part of, you would have to play the Russian anthem in an endless loop day and night.
Not even in Austria all regions could fit into a single song. Thereby, we are talking about a comparison with an elephant and a mouse for both countries. Even in a city as big as Moscow, with its many talented people, you could definitely produce several songs.
Let's hug and love each other and listen to this great song.

I've noticed for a long time that the Russian anthem has a different status in Russia than in other countries. You can see it very clearly in the facial expressions of the singers and musicians, not only during this song, but also again and again at sporting events. While many Western athletes find playing the national anthem more or less annoying, Russian athletes celebrate it with confidence and pride.
Thank you for sharing this glorious moment with me, and thanks again to all who commented on my posts.
By, By, see you soon, JoLang
#johann_langgartner #jolang_aut

Music - Alexander Alexandrov
Lyrics - Sergey Mikhalkov

Producer, sound engineer, arranger - Timur Vedernikov
Director - Dmitry Burlakov
Installation and color correction – BURY PRODUCTION
Cameraman - Evgeniy Goryachkin
Cameraman - Kirill Kolesnichenko
Engineer - Grigory Gornostaev
Cameramen in Donbass – Stanislav Shevchenko, Arsen Olkinyan
Co-producer - Andrey Polosin
Arrangement - Alexander Pozdnyakov

Музыка — Александр Александров,
текст — Сергей Михалков

Продюсер, звукорежиссёр, аранжировщик - Тимур Ведерников
Режиссёр - Дмитрий Бурлаков
Монтаж и цветокоррекция – BURЫЙ PRODUCTION
Оператор - Евгений Горячкин
Оператор - Кирилл Колесниченко
Инженер - Григорий Горностаев
Операторы на Донбассе – Станислав Шевченко, Арсен Олкинян
Сопродюсер - Андрей Полосин
Аранжировка - Александр Поздняков

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Timur Vedernikov

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